Quick Start
Before getting started with SONA, ensure you have:
Node.js 23+ (using nvm is recommended)
Git for version control
Python (mainly for installing NPM)
(Optional) FFmpeg (for audio/video handling)
(Optional) CUDA Toolkit (for GPU acceleration)
On Windows? See here before continuing to make life easier: WSL setup guide
Automated Installation:
Use https://github.com/tars-sol/sona
Use the start script
Using Docker
A Linux-based server (Ubuntu/Debian recommended)
Git installed
Note: If you get permission issues run the docker-compose commands with sudo or add yourself to the docker group
Start SONA:
SONA derived it's character and lore capabilities from ElizaOS. So in order to start your agent, you can provide your character.json file.
By default agent will be accessible via CLI and APIs too.
Additional Config:
Add plugins and protocols:
There are two ways to get a list of available plugins:
Web Interface
Go https://github.com/tars-sol/sona/registry/ or the Showcase and search for plugins
CLI Interface
Last updated